Sunday, April 25, 2010


IronFest today. I do love that festival, and actually the cold suits it well - sort of adds to the atmosphere.
Got to see some great artists, amazingly tallented people doing wonderful things with their art. Lana DeAngelis was brilliant. I just loved her.

Being there, at IronFest, reinforced how much I missed Mojo. So many things, people, clothes, boots, hair I wanted to point out to him.... only he wasn't there to see it. Standing in the cold, by gas heaters sipping coffee listening to local singers just made me want to stand closer to him.

What was most interesting about the day was the talk I had with my Father. He was more understanding of my position than I expected him to be. Obviously he doesn't want me to go back to Mojo, but I think he knows it's on the cards.

I wish I could cram all my sessions with the Psych into one week, just get it over and done with so I can go. I just want to go. Even today, when I was happy and having a good time and enjoying a break from the kids. Even then, I just wanted Mojo to be with me.

Sometimes... not very often, but sometimes... I wish I didn't love him. I think it would be better for him if I didn't. Less chaotic, less heartbreaking. I don't know.

I'm cold.

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